Become a member

I become a member of The SeaCleaners

We need you to strengthen the impact of our actions !

Every voice counts in our collective fight.

Join us! Together, we can write the next chapters of a unique ecological adventure, whose influence is growing as new challenges emerge.

I become a member of The SeaCleaners

By becoming a member, you can :

Receive privileged information on all our innovative and meaningful projects for the preservation and restoration of the oceans

Meet the key actors of the association and exchange with them about our common vision and an uncommon pioneer adventure in the service of the planet

Make your voice heard by participating in the political life of our association alongside our Board of Directors during the General Assemblies, in order to define the priority battles that will guide our action tomorrow.

We invite you to read the official documents of the association:

➡️ The association project
➡️ Statutes of the association (in FR)
➡️ Rules and regulations of The SeaCleaners (in FR)

I become a member of The SeaCleaners

How do I become a member?

  • To fully validate your membership, we ask you to follow the following procedure:
    Read all the documents available on the website (see above).
  • Pay the annual membership fee of €25. You will then receive an email confirming your payment. Your tax receipt will be sent to you at a later date.
  • In accordance with article 3 al. 2 of our Articles of Association*, your membership application will be submitted to the Board of Directors for approval, which has the power to decide whether or not to accept your membership fee. Once your application has been approved, we will send you an email confirming that you are a full member. You will then be able to take part in the democratic life of the association, including future General Meetings.
    *To become a member, you must be approved by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may refuse membership of the association to any individual or legal entity without having to justify its decision”.

How long does a membership to The SeaCleaners last?

Your membership in The SeaCleaners is effective from the date you join until the end of the calendar year, regardless of the day you pay your dues. If you join in May, your membership will be valid until December 31 of that year.

For first-time members (only), if the membership fee is paid in the last three months of the year, it is valid until the end of the following year.

Is the membership fee prorated for the period of membership?

No. Whether you pay in January, June, or August of the same year, the amount of the fee will always be the same. For new members (only), if the fee is paid in the last three months of the year, it is valid until the end of the following year.

Is my membership tax-deductible?

Your membership to The SeaCleaners is tax deductible up to 66% of your income tax (within the limit of 20% of the IR) or 60% of your corporate tax (within the limit of 0.5% of your annual turnover). Your membership costs you only 8,50€ after tax deduction.

What is the minimum age to vote at The SeaCleaners General Assembly?

There is no minimum age. The membership of a minor member is however conditional on the written agreement of his parents or legal guardian. He/she can therefore vote at the General Assembly, unless his/her parents expressly object.

How do I automatically renew my membership to The SeaCleaners each year?

There is no automatic renewal. The SeaCleaners will contact you at the end of your membership to propose a renewal.

When should I renew my membership?

It is advisable to renew your membership at the beginning of every year.

For questions about membership

Contact the Membership Department

by e-mail :